Choline is an organic, water-soluble compound that is neither a vitamin nor a mineral. However, it is often grouped with …
Everything you need to know about histamine intolerance.
Digestive Enzymes and Histamine Intolerance
Digestive and gut health are crucial to our overall well-being, affecting everything from our immune system and weight …
Histamine Intolerance and the Postpartum period
I often talk about histamine intolerance and the effect it has on hormones, stress, gut health and symptoms of histamine …
Gut Motility and Constipation: Keys to Managing Histamine Intolerance
Talking about digestive issues such as constipation and bowel movements might not be the most pleasant topic, but it's a …
Gut Motility and Constipation: Keys to Managing Histamine IntoleranceRead More
Mould and the immune system: the impact on histamine intolerance and MCAS
For centuries, human have co-existed with mould. Typically, small amounts of environmental moulds don’t pose a …
Mould and the immune system: the impact on histamine intolerance and MCASRead More
Exercise and Histamine Intolerance
Ever gone to the gym to workout or tried to exercise outside, only to find that 5 minutes in, you feel light-headed, …
Are you eating enough Protein?
Are you eating enough protein?It can be easy to overlook the foundational role that dietary protein plays in our …
The Pregnenolone Steal
Pregnenolone steal is frequently responsible for the hormonal fluctuations experienced by many women. Including during …
Anxiety and Histamine – Are they connected?
Are you experiencing the symptoms of histamine intolerance along with anxiety? Ever wondered if anxiety and histamine …
Mast Cells and Hypermobility: The Elastase Connection
Do you experience hypermobile joints, joint instability, or chronic pain? Are you dealing with histamine intolerance? …
Mast Cells and Hypermobility: The Elastase ConnectionRead More
Caffeine & histamine intolerance, are they connected?
Caffeine is a widely consumed stimulant found in coffee, tea, energy drinks and even chocolate. It's known for its …
Caffeine & histamine intolerance, are they connected?Read More
The Thyroid, Autoimmune conditions and histamine intolerance, are they connected?
Do you know that there is an increased likelihood of autoimmune conditions if you have histamine intolerance, mast cell …
The Thyroid, Autoimmune conditions and histamine intolerance, are they connected?Read More